VCD Brand Mark Review

Brand Mark Proposal featuring a curving multi-lane path under a single four point star, all contained within a five sided simplified house form. It appears in several options for one color and multi color use cases.
September 14, 2022
1:30PM - 3:30PM
205 Hayes Hall

Date Range
2022-09-14 13:30:00 2022-09-14 15:30:00 VCD Brand Mark Review Local design friends are welcome to join Professor Paul Nini's DESIGN 4103 - Intermediate Visual Communication Design 1 course as guest critics as the Ohio State VCD students show their brand mark proposals. Your input on their work would be appreciated. 205 Hayes Hall America/New_York public

Local design friends are welcome to join Professor Paul Nini's DESIGN 4103 - Intermediate Visual Communication Design 1 course as guest critics as the Ohio State VCD students show their brand mark proposals. Your input on their work would be appreciated.

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