Professors Nickley and Proulx to attend the Design Research Society Conference in Bilbao

June 16, 2022

Professors Nickley and Proulx to attend the Design Research Society Conference in Bilbao

Professors Nickley and Proulx

Assistant Professor William Nickley and Associate Professor Sébastien Proulx are attending the 2022 edition of the Design Research Society (DRS) conference held in Bilbao, Spain, June 25-July 2nd.

DRS2022 is hosted by the city of Bilbao in association with the University of the Basque Country (Universidad del País Vasco) and the wider ecosystem of local academic and design institutions. In 2014 Bilbao became a member of the UNESCO City of Design network. As such, it hosts a permanent Design and Creativity Council with a mission to promote design-oriented urban policies and to integrate goals related to the cultural and creative industries into local development plans. Bilbao recently joined the Global Destination Sustainability Index with a commitment to meet specific guidelines for the development of more sustainable conferences.

Professor Nickley, alongside MFA student Camille Snyder, will lead a two-day workshop on June 26-27 entitled: Affirmation excursion: Moving beyond surveys to unlock your stakeholders’ identities

Alongside his colleague Professor Philippe Gauthier (Université de Montréal), Professor Proulx will present a paper entitled: Differential moral framing and the design imagination.

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