Thinking through Design Episode 10 with guests Anne Berry and S. Alfonso Williams

Episode 10 of Thinking through Design is now available. The Thinking through Design podcast features host Adam Fromme as he explores what it means to have a designer’s mindset.
In this episode Adam sits down in person with Anne Berry and S. Alfonso Williams
Their conversation explores the evolving landscape of design education and address the motivations for integrating social and cultural awareness into curricula, recognizing the diverse backgrounds of students, and including societal issues with design. They underscore the balance required to create structured and open-ended assignments and the importance of making students feel seen and valued in the classroom. The conversation concludes with a focus on the broader implications of their teaching philosophies and ends discussing practical steps for educators to nurture diverse voices and foster an inclusive, empathetic learning environment.
Both guests are contributing authors to An Anthology of Blackness, The State of Black Design, edited by Terresa Moses and Omari Souza. This episode is the first in a two-part conversation to expand the motivations, ideas and reflections within this publication.
Anne H. Berry is a writer, designer, and Associate Professor in the Department of Art and Design at Cleveland State University. Her research examines race and representation in design, focusing on ethnic and racial disparities in the graphic design field. Berry's work has been highlighted in Communication Arts magazine, Letterform Archive, and Kelly Walters' book Black, Brown + Latinx Design Educators: Conversations on Design and Race. Her publications include "The Virtual Design Classroom" for Communication Arts magazine, "The Black Designer's Identity and she is the managing editor of The Black Experience in Design: Identity, Expression, and Reflection, a book recognized by Fast Company and the Non-Obvious Book Awards in 2022.
S. Alfonso Williams is a driven pre-med Biology and Psychology major, with interests in the philosophy of science and medicine, physiology, and systems science. Alfonso holds multiple fellowships and leadership roles: member of the Student National Medical Association Inc., fellow of the National Institute for African American Health Scholars, Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel Scholars Academy, Cuyahoga Community College Honors Program, Black American Council Metro Campus, and Advanced Leadership Institute.
The podcast is available through OSU Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.
Listen to this episode at
About the podcast
It’s obvious that design is all around us, but how designers think through their work is often a mystery. Yet, understanding that process can fuel our own curiosity and creativity. Adam Fromme hosts Thinking through Design as a series of in-depth discussions to reveal the designer’s mindset and realize its value.
Thinking through Design is brought to you by the Department of Design at The Ohio State University. For general inquires, contact Adam Fromme,