Areas of Expertise
- Interior Design
- Designing for Human Behavior and Cultural Differences
- Space Semantics
- Interior Identity Design
- B.A., M.Arch., Interior Architecture, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste, Stuttgart, Germany
Heike Goeller is Associate Professor Emeritus of Interior Design in the Department of Design at the The Ohio State Universaity. She received her B.A. in Interior Architecture and Master of Architecture at the University of Art in Stuttgart, Germany. Her teaching responsibilities as coordinator of the Interior Design program included both undergraduate and graduate level design research and studio courses, design principles, design methodology, conceptualization techniques, interior planning and detailing, designing for human behavior, color psychology, and furniture systems design.
Her research focuses on interior and space semantics, interior identity design, and human/environment behavioral issues, with particular
considerations to cultural differences. Her design practice both in Europe and the United States has ranged from retail, office, restaurant, apartments and housing design to furniture, exhibition and transportation design. Clients in the U.S. included Armstrong Cork Co., Borg Warner Corp., Cardinal Industries, GE Automotive, Freigthliner Corp., Sel-Joy Inc., The Marvel Group Inc., and Richardson-Smith Design; in Europe: DCC Ulm, Frei Otto Stuttgart, IFA Stuttgart, Rolf Gutbrod Berlin, Ove Arup London, SPW Geislingen, The Government of the German Federal Republic, and The Government and H.M. The King of Saudi Arabia.
Heike is a recipient of The DAAD Distinguished Teacher's Exchange Award, OSU President's Salute Honorary, SPHINX and Mortar Board Honorary, The Marvel Group Design Advancement Award, COSI Performance Excellence-Appreciation Award, The Ohio State University Design Merit Award, and The Ohio State University Department of Design Service Excellence Appreciation Award.
She has conducted presentations, workshops and lectures at the Jornada de Diseno Industrial in Columbia, South America; the European-American
Simultaneous Student Design Project in Groningen NL; Co-Designing Coventry, Great Britain; Cumulus Rom, Italy and Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany; The BDIA Hochschultage Stuttgart, Germany; Rhein-Main Design, Mainz, Germany; Harbourfront Museum Toronto, Canada; Musee des Arts Decoratif Montreal, Canada; and at universities including FH Wiesbaden, Potsdam, Germany; Hansehoogeschool Van Groningen, The Netherlands; Universidad Naciona-Sena, Bogota, Columbia; ESDI Rio de Janairo, Brazil; and Kyonggi University, Suwon, Korea.