FLEUR: Care Packages for a Purpose
Ciera Yamarick
Visual Communication Design, 2024
Fleur is a non-profit brand created as a resource for all women in need to get free, accessible, care packages of basic necessities.
Women and people in need are not supplied at all times with products for their daily lives. This brand serves as an instrument to supply various institutions with care packages of those products to give out for free. Some institutions to receive these would include domestic abuse shelters, hospitals, churches, and more. Fleur is meant to promote community, collaboration, and a breaking stigma of asking for help in times of need.
This brand stands on inclusivity, discretion, and understanding. This is reflected in the language used and the overall branding. This project follows the entire branding of FLEUR and the care package design. Each step was curated to cater to women audiences to not be exclusive nor patronizing.

Ciera Yamarick is a graduating senior of The Ohio State University as a Visual Communication Design major with a Creative Writing minor. She is not just a graphic designer but a writer and painter. Based in Columbus, Ohio, Ciera gains her creative inspiration from these areas and seeks to implement them in every project.
She bases herself and her work on three values: inclusivity, intention, and excellence. These designs and other projects can be found on her website.