Design 3505 Is Now a GEN Foundation Designated Course

The Department of Design is pleased to announce the inclusion of Design 3505: Presentation as Thinking in the University’s General Education Program (“GEN”) Foundations in the Literary, Visual and Performing Arts category.
Ohio State’s General Education Program is designed to develop and refine qualities, abilities and characteristics that prepare its students to be engaged, resilient and adaptable citizens and leaders for life. It aims to develop in students an engagement with and an ability to apply a range of important modes of thought and inquiry. Through it, students will examine significant aspects of the human condition in local, state, national and global settings today and in the foreseeable future.
While Design 3505: Presentation as Thinking is a required course for students seeking a minor in Design Thinking, this additional designation for Design 3505 carries a broader audience from across the university. The Department of Design is excited to offer this design course as a foundational part of their education.
The aim of this course is for students to learn how to leverage visual literacy in communication. It introduces students to design principles that foster efficient and effective communication. This course also teaches how to present and critique work, so as either presenter or reviewer, students can offer valuable insights that lead to improvement.
This is the first course in the history of the Department of Design to receive this university designation.