

Left to Right, Bryce, Emily, and Sam

Ohio State Visual Communication Design Students Recognized at CSCA Creative Best 2024

By Peter Kwok Chan, Ph.D.
The Columbus Society of Communicating Arts (CSCA) hosted its annual Creative Best 2024 event, titled Unbound, on December 5 at The Century in Merion Village. Creative Best is the annual awards…

Haase Leads Mental Health Design Workshop at Poliarte, Italy

By Jeffrey Haase

Jeff Haase facilitated a three-day workshop at Poliarte, a private design university in Ancona, Italy, involving 93 first-year students and 18 upperclassmen from various design disciplines.…

Addy and Drake Winners at 2024 Inspire Innovation Program

By Avery Gillis

Shadrick Addy and Simone Drake’s grant proposal, “Inspiring Empathy and Inclusive Change for Neuro-diverse Individuals in Educational and Workplace Settings through Immersive Technology,” has been…

black and white headshots of the five winners, arranged in a grid, with the College of Arts and Sciences logo

Five industrial design students win Arts Undergraduate Research Scholarships

By William Nickley

Ohio State Design is proud to announce that five undergraduate industrial design students have been awarded the prestigious Arts Undergraduate Research Scholarships (AURS) for 2024. These…

29 students from seven schools participated in the workshop

Ohio State Design MFA Students participate in WANTED Design Schools workshop at the ICFF in New York City

The design teams were comprised of 29 students from seven schools -- School of Visual Arts (USA),  California College of Arts (USA), CENTRO (Mexico), Ecole Camondo (France), ENSCI Les…

Global Student Retail Design Fest

Interior Design Students Participate in Global Student Retail Design Fest

By Rebekah Matheny
On Thursday Nov 7th, Associate Professor Rebekah Matheny organized and facilitated the Global Student Retail Design Fest for the Design Research Society's (DRS) Designing Retail and Services Futures…
CMG Student Members (left to right): Brianna Gallagher, Morgan Vereb, Brooke Koch, Katie Bush, and Averi Wolf.

Ohio State Design Students Collaborate with Color Marketing Group on Color Forecasting

Ohio State Design is excited to highlight a rewarding collaboration between fourth-year students from Interior Design, Industrial Design, and Visual Communication Design and Color Marketing Group…

Peter Megert exhibit: extended run and special gallery hours

Peter Megert exhibit: extended run and special gallery hours

By Paul J. Nini

We're happy to announce that Peter Megert exhibit's run in the Hopkins Hall Gallery has been extended to Friday 13 Dec. As well, the gallery will be open from 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday 16 Nov to…

Daily tous les jours

BGDA 2024 with Daily Tous les Jours

By Thomas White

The Ohio State University Department of Design is thrilled to announce the arrival of our annual Butter Goeller Design Affair. Next week, we will be hosting representatives from the Montreal-based…